Andrea Calderon

Software Engineer


Programming Languages and Development

C++, Python, Java, JavaScript, React, OOP, Debugging, Testing, Troubleshooting


English, Spanish

Hello World! I am a software engineer with 5+ years of experience. Strong knowledge of algorithms, data structures, C++, Python, SQL. In my spare time, I like to read fascinating articles and watch videos of TED talks about technology. Please get in touch with me if you have anything to share Contact me



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Java, Arduino, Android Studio

Light control system

This program uses an Android app to control the color and brightness of a light bulb.


Library System

This program allows the user to add, edit, and delete books from a database.

C++, Linux/Ubuntu

Linux Shell

Linux Shell created with C++, Cmake, Multithreading

Java, Android Studio

Brightness App

This app improves the security of social networks using a Matrix to change the PIN.

R, RStudio, RShiny

Prediction of Stocks

This program employs Machine Learning to forecast stock prices.

Python, Tensorflow, IDA

CNN to identify Malware

This program can detect malware in executable files via images created with hexadecimal values.

Databases and Data Management

SQL, MySQL, Oracle, Teradata, DynamoDB

Version Control and DevOps

Git, CI/CD, Pipelines, PowerShell, Docker, AWS CloudWatch

AWS Services

Lambda Functions, S3 Buckets, API Gateway, IAM Users, CloudFront, EC2

Web Development and Technologies

React, HTML, CSS, API, Postman, Electron

Tools and Platforms

Jira, Slack, WordPress, Windows, Linux-Ubuntu, Android Studio, Visual Studio, Code Expo CLI, npm, Terminal, Tkinter, Circuit Python, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Metro M4 Express, Node.js

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